Environmental Peer Reviews

Peer Review for Environmental Studies: Water/Sediments/Tailings Management

At the end of 2015 Brazil witnessed the rupture of the Samarco Fundão dam. Currently, it is considered the greatest environmental impact in the history of Brazil and, consequently, the largest monitoring and recovery program in the country's history. In 2017, SRK Brazil was contracted by the Renova Foundation to carry out the peer review of environmental studies related to the environmental recovery actions carried out along the Doce River, from the Fundão dam to its mouth. 

SRK has been working on the review of tailings management studies, surface water monitoring, QA/QC, hydrology and hydraulics, ecotoxicity, environmental risk, and geochemistry, as well as developing site-specific tools to improve reclaiming and reporting efficiency. 

Since the contract with SRK commenced we have developed studies such as:
• Tailings management plan peer review
• Full water monitoring program peer review
• QA/QC guidelines for monitoring program
• Site-specific Water Quality Index
• Total suspended solids (TSS) settlement modeling for turbidity control for          dredging operations
• Hydrology and hydraulics modeling and peer review
• Technical support with Brazilian Environmental Agencies