Understanding Public Reports: Do They Say What They Mean and Mean What They Say – A Technical Perspective

Virtual Short Course:

  • Tuesday, June 21 (2.5 hours of on-demand content available)
  • Tuesday, June 28, 3:00 - 4:30 pm (LIVE discussion and Q&A)


The technical content (geology, exploration, resources, reserves, inputs/outputs of technical studies) of resource-sector public reports contain factual statements but often with limited explanation or professional opinion of what these statements actually mean and why they are important in the context of the deposit or project development stage being reported.

Given that public reports should inform investors and their advisors it is important these reports do exactly that – namely provide not only a technical description of the matters of importance but ensure transparency that clearly addresses why and how the information is material for the given project. This course provides examples of common technical descriptions found in public reports (company releases, statements and summary reports) where further elaboration, opinion or context would greatly enhance the reader’s understanding of the relevance of these descriptions.

This course content will have broad appeal with those involved in reading, reviewing or contributing to the technical content of exploration, resource, reserve or technical study public reports.

Attendees Will Learn To:

  • Appreciate the purpose of public reports for resource-sector projects
  • Understand several key topics important for reports addressing different stages of project development
  • Interpret the true meaning several key matters typically described in public reports for each stage of a project’s development
  • Learn what questions to ask to better understand the meaning of technical descriptions in public reports.



Click here to view other SRK presentations at this event