Jean-François St-Laurent

He has performed numerous risk assessments, statutory inspections and safety reviews of tailings storage facilities. His experience also includes modeling embankment behavior/deformation under static and pseudo-static loading conditions and assessing tailings liquefaction potential.  He has completed numerous seepage assessments in saturated and unsaturated medium and heat transfer modeling by conduction, advection and convection mechanisms. He has overseen detailed geotechnical investigations (i.e.: frozen core drilling, CPTu soundings, vane testing, consolidation testing, triaxial testing) to assess the nature and extent of deformation features observed on a filtered tailings stack in permafrost regions, on dams built on soft clay foundation and to proceed with tailings storage facility capacity increase or reclamation. Jean-François has been involved in the preparation of detailed engineering designs, design plans and specifications for numerous mining companies. In addition, he was part of a team of experts who carried out a peer review of the design of mine waste management facilities in Canada, Siberia and Argentina.