Bronwen Forsyth

Bronwen has a PhD in Environmental Geochemistry and spent four years (2008-2012) characterising the mineralogy and long-term metal leaching and acid rock drainage potential of tailings at the Mount Isa Cu-Zn-Pb deposit in North-West Queensland, Australia, as part of her PhD research. Bronwen spent two years (2013-2015) working with SRK in Vancouver, Canada, and is now based in Brisbane, Australia, where she continues to work with clients with mining operations based in Australia and British Columbia. 

Her experience includes mine waste characterisation and sampling design, geochemical modelling (PHREEQC, GWB), development of mine waste management plans, prediction of water quality from mine components, and environmental management and compliance auditing. 

Bronwen has a particular interest in the geochemistry of the Mount Isa Inlier and aspects of modern environmental geochemistry, including advancements in analytical methods and implications of extreme weather events and longer-term changes in climate.